Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good Night

So I’m twenty now. No longer a teenager. Still a film fanatic. I started this blog when I was twelve, almost thirteen. Amazon video was Lovefilm. You would get DVDs through the post instead of on a streaming service. Netflix wasn’t even in my everyday vocabulary. I still had to ask my parents before I […]

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The Princess Diaries (U)

‘Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something is more important than fear.’  I love this film soooo much. Is it possible that I am looking at it through the rose-tinted glasses of nostalgia? Absolutely! Yet even at 19, I still thoroughly enjoyed this film. The Princess Diaries follows regular, unpopular […]

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Mary Queen Of Scots (15)

‘Should you murder me, remember you murder your sister… and you murder your queen!’ Mary Queen of Scots is an autobiographical drama on, yep you guessed it, Mary Queen of Scots or Mary Stuart. Beginning in the 1500s, we are introduced to Mary who became Queen of France at 16 and then a widow at […]

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Ocean’s 8 (12)

‘If you’re going to have a problem with stealing, then you’re not going to like the rest of this conversation.’ Ocean’s 8 is the continuation of the previous Ocean’s films (11, 12, 13) only this time it’s a solely female cast! I haven’t seen the other Ocean’s films and, to be honest, I don’t think […]

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Unicorn Store (PG)

‘The most adult thing you can do is failing in what you really care about.’ In the midst of deadlines, portfolios and exams, I wanted to watch a film that would allow me to escape from all the pressure and stress. As if they heard me, Netflix released a brand-new Netflix Original movie: Unicorn Store. […]

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Dumbo (PG)

‘We’re all family here, no matter how small.’ Firstly, this new Dumbo has a very different plot to the original. It focusses on the Medici Family Circus which is failing. Holt used to be the main attraction but when he returns from the war with only one arm, his wife has died, his children have […]

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